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Since 2009, Ascent has helped hundreds of clients and been involved in settling over $500 million in problem loans.  Ascent achieves successful resolutions through: 


We take the time to understand our clients' situations and their needs.


We develop effective communication strategies.


Utilize legal counsel and the legal system for maximum benefit.


We provide creative negotiation strategies and use the system to our advantage.



Clay is a business restructuring and litigation consultant, former attorney, and author. He graduated with honors from the University of Georgia School of Law. He spent 15 years practicing corporate transactions and real estate law. Clay works in corporate finance and financial restructuring and is actively involved in settling over $500 million in problem loans for clients across the country. He also developed expertise in negotiating business breakups, litigation and bankruptcy strategy consulting, and settling accounts with taxing authorities and disputes with governmental entities. 

Clay wrote Debt & Circuses: Protecting Business Owners from their Enemies, their Allies, and Themselves, which teaches how negotiation works in the new economy, shows how to manage the stress of financial problems, and chronicles many restructuring adventures. Clay writes for Legal Ink Magazine and has been featured on Business RadioX, Bulldog Illustrated, and Atlanta Legal Experts Radio. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia with his wife and two children. 

In 2016, Clay wrote a book about his experiences as a consultant to provide business owners valuable information to hopefully prevent some of the not so favorable situations some businesses found themselves in. Hear him featured on Business RadioX, The Commercial Real Estate Show, and Altanta Legal Experts Radio.

Digging Companies Out of Debt - Clay M. Westbrook and Mike Robbins - Business RadioX


Debt & Circuses explains real-world negotiation strategy and courtroom tactics through true stories of finance and accounting advisors, lawyers, and courageous entrepreneurs who followed counterintuitive, asymmetrical, and risky advice of a few creative consultants. 

Debt & Circuses, Clay Westbrook author

Westbrook offers unique insight into protecting your business with a flair of humor for what can be a dark time. Learn how to protect yourself and your business from enemies, allies, and yourself!


"Debt & Circuses offers compelling, shrewd business and financial advice that is supported by the relevant factual and anecdotal experience of the author...Take advantage of the gift of an expert recounting common devastating issues you as a business owner could face, and the ways to avoid or overcome them. You don’t know what you don’t know; learn it here."

—  Sara in Maryland

The Book

"I wrote this book to give individuals and businesses hope when they've been given nothing but bad news."

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