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Beware the Organic Mommy Mafia

"Mrs. Corleone informs me that your tofu cannelloni was not vegan..."

Peer Pressure.

…When the [mother’s son came home from a vacation in Puerto Rico] and asked for more Jif, his mother told him it wasn’t available — that it was “Puerto Rican peanut butter.” Wrapped up in that phrase is all of the arrogance and class snobbery of the organic-food mafia. If these moms haven’t come to your neighborhood yet, just wait.

After a discussion of the fact that organic food only differs from regular ol’ food in price and (usually lower) quality. The author puts her finger on the button.

Marlon Brando, Godfather

It’s not just that these mothers are misinformed. Or that they fear for the safety of their children. For some of them, feeding their families organic is a status symbol.

We understand this, though. "Organic" implies "pure' and "clean" and closer to nature. That's a wonderful sentiment as you chop your fruits and vegetables for the organic kale salad. But as expensive as food is becoming, we would think most folks would take a closer look at this “organic” food situation and start asking themselves why they’re paying twice as much for food of lower quality that doesn’t taste as good. We would be wrong.

"Moms feel guilty” ... They can allow themselves to think that even if they’re not perfect at something else, at least they feed their kids the best food out there. The organic-food industry is thrilled by this attitude. But let’s be clear. Organic food does not necessarily mean better. It’s a term that’s been co-opted and manipulated into a billion-dollar industry by some of the biggest food companies in America.“

It always seems to turn out that way, doesn't it. Not that we blame the food industry: that a person will pay more for a product or service than it is worth is what makes the world go 'round.

So this is so great: WalMart to Sell Organic Food, Undercutting Big Brands. WalMart, scourge of the Perpetually Concerned, will offer organic food to the General Population. What happens to the organic food industry when "organic" is no longer a status symbol? We can't wait to find out.

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